A digitization project will be successful when it combines the best-fit solution for the customer with a perfect setup of the introduction project. At Phoenix Zementwerke this has been realized by Axians IAS using the powerful IDispo solution and a taylormade project setup in 4 phases according to the customer needs.
“Today, one-third of all deliveries come in through IDispo”, the dispatcher told his Plant Manager while sending the list of deliveries to him by e-mail. This overview contains all the information the Plant Manager needs and can be used to make a very detailed evaluation. “I like that since we have been working with this system, we have increased planning reliability, developed an optimised process chain and established a more environmentally friendly office that uses less paper,” the Plant Manager replied to his colleague. Phoenix Zementwerke has, due to the company’s aim of further digitalisation, implemented an instrument in their IT infrastructure which eliminates some asymmetries within their own process chains. IDispo (short for Internet Disposition) enables customers to be more self-sufficient than ever before and also brings many other advantages for the plant itself.